We closed on the house on Friday, picked up the keys on Monday, and I turned on our utilities today.
Here is the first look for all of you at our new home in Alvord, TX.
Granted, more pictures will be forthcoming. :)
"But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15
Congratulations homeowners!!!
It looks just like you...I love the trees and I look forward to seeing more pictures.
How is everyone feeling?
Yea! Buying a house rocks! So happy for you Four! How close is it from Josh's work?
Can't wait for more pictures.
Thanks, ya'll. It is close to my work. Fifteen minutes, at the most, of drive time one way. Which is way better than 45 minutes.
As for health, I'm (Josh) am doing better. Recovering well from surgery, although no lab results at this time. No big deal. But I'm feeling much better. Doc says I look good too.
Thanks for the comments. We miss ya!
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