Thursday, April 05, 2007

I like to toot it, toot it!

Okay, so here is the down low about our moving situation. Josh started his job at the Citibank in Decatur on Monday. He really likes it and says that he likes the people he works with. He says there is also a really pretty view of the hills and stuff from where he works. That may not mean a lot to some people, but to him it is definitely a big deal. He loves the trees and the scenery in College Station and he was a little nervous he might not like it up there as much. But, he does so that is good.
So, Josh is staying at my mom's house and driving about 45min. to and from work. We are thankful that he has a place to stay. While he is up there he has been looking for a place for us to live. So, the other part of our family is still here. We are just waiting for Josh to say that he found a place and come on. He does get to come home this weekend so that will be VERY exciting!!! I have missed him and I know that his sweet babies have too.
As of today, that is what's going on with our family. We are excited to see what the Lord has up there. Josh went to a life group last night, kind of like our hope groups here. He said it was awesome, so when he is up there on a Sunday he will probably be checking out that church. This has all happened SO fast. It was only a little over a month ago that Josh applied for the job in Decatur. And it was only about three weeks ago that they called and asked when he could start. Crazy!!!! But exciting. The Lord has shown us another way to trust Him and have faith in Him and His plans. Scary, but exciting!
I hope all of this makes sense.

One of the fun things that happened today was during bath time. We were singing the song from the Madagascar movie about I like to move it, move it. Anyway, one of my sweet babies tooted. And Bella decided to change what we were singing to "I like to toot it, toot it" I thought that was so funny!!!! It was one of those moments when I was like, shouldn't I tell here not to sing about toot it, toot it. But it was sooo funny!



sdfs said...

LOL, so cute!!
Was this Sunday the last one :( Jack-Jack had SOO much fun!! Then Connor came in and for some reason he was TERRIFIED of him!! He wouldn't let anyone put him down for a second...I dont know what it was about him!
Hope ya'll have a wonderful Easter!!

The Campbell Clan said...

Thank you for being such a sweet teacher back their. I know Jack enjoys being in the nursery, most of the time. He is cutting some teeth, so he has been kinda clingy lately. We will probably be around for another few weeks.
I hope that you had a wonderful Easter!

Sarah said...
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Sarah said...

I can't believe you guys are moving! I will miss Bella and baby Jack... You have been so sweet to me. God will give you guys an amazing life up there. That story about Bella is so cute though!