Monday, October 08, 2007

Sensory overload! In the best way!

Yeah! What an amazing time in College Station! We loved seeing everyone and getting hugs from our brothers and sisters in Christ. We have missed ya'll so much and we have missed getting to see how the Lord is working in and through Living Hope. An amazing body of believers. We love you guys. It was fun to see all the sweet kids and babies who have grown and changed. Crazy. We were so blessed getting to spend time with some of ya'll in your homes and stuff. Man, hope groups are amazing. Those really are the people that you get to know and bond with and no matter how long you have been away, you still are bonded with them. We got to eat lunch at the Carpio's with them and a few others. It is amazing to think we were in a hope group with them that had to "multiply" and it was us, them and one other couple in this new hope group. We didn't know them at all. And now they are so dear to us, even though we have moved away. What a blessing, God is good all the time! Just a little plug for hope groups.
Well, it's getting late. What a wonderful time we had. And what a blessing worship was and hearing the word from Butch. God uses him in a mighty way, what a blessing. Have I said the word blessing enough yet? Blessed, that is what we were this weekend. Thank you guys!

Monday, October 01, 2007

Pictures from IHOP

These photos are old. I'm in the process of organizing our photos. Since we've bought a digital camera, we've taken lots of pictures, but developed none. And while I don't want to overload the blog with photos, I also want to share pictures of our wonderful family with you all. These pics were taken in September, when we first started house hunting up here. Stopped off at an IHOP to eat...and while we were waiting...

Mom and the kiddos

Daddy and the Wee Ones

Beautiful Bella

Jolly Jack

I promise there are lots more of these. Christmas photos. Halloween pics. Bella's birthday party. So keep checking back. As long as Sarah doesn't freak about me posting pics on her blog, you'll get more. We miss you all. Loved to hear from you. We know we can count on Kathryn. :)

Moving Again?

Yeah! We are getting to come to visit College Station this weekend! We are all very excited. It was kind of a last minute thing. Josh is off this coming Monday so it was a good weekend to come. I can't wait to get to see all our friends and worship with our church family. Bella is excited to see all her friends. She has been asking a lot if we can go down there and visit. Jack doesn't seem to really know exactly what we're talking about, but he is always glad to get to just hang out and do what the group does. Good for now. Hopefully later in his life the groups he hangs with will be God-honoring ones.

We will get to come down Saturday after Josh gets off of work and we might make it in time for the Saturday service. It will be like a fresh breath seeing everyone again and worshipping with everyone. We finished the membership class at DBC, so we just need to get our paper work in and we'll be ready to plug in. We still have not found a small group. They started beginning of Sept. We need to get plugged in. It's a little different than Living Hope. You have to try to get in touch with the overseer of the small groups and then wait for them to get back in touch with you. They have gotten back in touch with us, we just need to call back and get the info for where to go. Anyway, we need to get it together and get plugged in.

There are a lot of little kids for our children to play with around here. We went to the park they have here and two other families showed up. It was a lot of fun to watch them play together. Bella got a little too dizzy on the tire swing. But they had fun.

We have gotten to spend time with our families more which has been a blessing. We saw my mom this weekend and last week the kids and I got to go hang out with my sister and nephew and our new niece. My sister had her baby about two weeks ago. A little girl. She was born a month early, so she had to stay in the nicu for about a week. But she is home now and doing well. She is the sweetest baby. Bella got to hold her and help feed her, she was so excited. Jack tried to give her toys, it was sweet. Then they played trains with my nephew. It is nice being close to family.

And, I can't believe I have rambled on this long and not mentioned this. We really are the crazy campbell's. We just moved and we may be moving again. Same area, just into a house. The trailer we are in now is a nice home, but it is only two bedrooms. If we had two girls or two boys, we could probably live here forever. But, eventually it will be good for Bella and Jack to have their own rooms. And, I don't know if this home would last as long as a house. It has been a wonderful home for us. And to me it has been a comfort. To move and be in a new area, yet with the comfort of the same surroundings inside. It is actually weird sometimes. I sometimes still feel like we are in CS. And then we go outside and it's like, duh. So, we will be looking for a house either in Decatur or closer my mom's house.

Anyway, I better wrap it up or I could ramble for a while. I think I need to try and blog more, then maybe I wouldn't ramble so long.