Yeah! What an amazing time in College Station! We loved seeing everyone and getting hugs from our brothers and sisters in Christ. We have missed ya'll so much and we have missed getting to see how the Lord is working in and through Living Hope. An amazing body of believers. We love you guys. It was fun to see all the sweet kids and babies who have grown and changed. Crazy. We were so blessed getting to spend time with some of ya'll in your homes and stuff. Man, hope groups are amazing. Those really are the people that you get to know and bond with and no matter how long you have been away, you still are bonded with them. We got to eat lunch at the Carpio's with them and a few others. It is amazing to think we were in a hope group with them that had to "multiply" and it was us, them and one other couple in this new hope group. We didn't know them at all. And now they are so dear to us, even though we have moved away. What a blessing, God is good all the time! Just a little plug for hope groups.
Well, it's getting late. What a wonderful time we had. And what a blessing worship was and hearing the word from Butch. God uses him in a mighty way, what a blessing. Have I said the word blessing enough yet? Blessed, that is what we were this weekend. Thank you guys!
Well, it's getting late. What a wonderful time we had. And what a blessing worship was and hearing the word from Butch. God uses him in a mighty way, what a blessing. Have I said the word blessing enough yet? Blessed, that is what we were this weekend. Thank you guys!
It was such a BLESSING to get to see you Campbells and how big Bella and Jack are!!
I can't wait to keep hearing what the Lord is doing in your lives.
Love to you.
It was great seeing Jack and Bella!! I didn't get to see you :( So sad, hopefully next time!! Hope ya'll are having a great weekend!
It was good to see you too!
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