Hey all! Just a quick update to let folks know we have moved in to the new house in Alvord. At this time and point, we have no internet connection at the house. So...if you would like to contact us, you'll have to call our cell phones. If you would like to call us, but don't have our numbers, leave a comment, and we'll call you or email you or something with the number.
At this time and point, we can check email and blog at the library in Decatur. However, since I |(Josh) am the only one with a library card, and since it's sort of hard to surf the web at the library when you have wee ones crawling around, just know Sarah's input and consequently ability to read comments and posts will be limited. In other words, since ya'll love her, call her sometime. She'd like that.
As for how things are going, well...
Any house you buy has kinks to work out. We've had to change the cord on the dryer, saw off the top of a pipe so our washer can drain. We've had to call a plumber once for leaks under sinks, and we've called out a repairman for a leaky/broken garbage disposal, and may be calling one for the dishwasher as well. And we've had one of the closet doors in Jack's room fall off. I think I can fix that, just haven't yet.
Our first week in the house, I was sick with the flu. Isabella has woke up twice now and gotten sick numerous times. She and I are feeling better now.
The dog loves the yard, when he isn't cold. The cat is still adjusting to being cooped up in the laundry room as a opposed to our bathroom.
Jack |LOVES his big boy bed. He has slept in it without trouble since we've moved in, and has done so without a pacifer. I told him weeks before we moved that if he was going to sleep in the car race bed, he'd have to do so with no sucky. He looked up with me with the sparkling blue eyes, and said, |"Okay" So far, the little man has been true to his word.
Isabella, I think, is still not quite used to having a room to herself. She still sneaks out and sleeps in the living room on occassion, but by and large has slept in her room.
The kids love the house. They love running through the house...often times yelling at each other, us, or just to hear themselves scream. Sarah loves the house. She'd love it alot more if the kitchen was working properly, but by and large, she comments every day how much she likes it.
I like the house. I'll like it a lot more when we have energy efficient windows, working kitchen appliances, and various odds and end things I see need to be done. I love only driving a few miles to work, instead of taking almost an hour to get home.
We do not relish the idea of finding a new church...yet again. We'll finish out our Wednesday study group with DBC, but will be finding a new place to worship on Sundays. Thankfully, there is a church in Decatur that has AWANA/Cubbies so that's no sweat. We need to prayerfully consider whether we will just go ahead and be a part of this congregation, since we know we'll be going on Sundays for Bella, or whether God will lead us to a body that has an equally awesome kid program, as well as all of the other things we find agreeable. Or. We just need to be okay with whatever programs the church God leads us to has, and be obedient when He points it out. Pray that He points it out quickly.
And that is that...for the moment. I'm sure I've left something out, but that's what you have for now.
FYI...Jack's birthday is coming up around the bend. We would love for any of you who can to come and join us. More details on the date will be forthcoming. But see if you can set aside the weekend prior to the 17th, or the weekend after. And, I am taking vacation the last week of June and the first week of July. It would be great if we could make plans to come to College Station. So...if one of those two weeks/weekends look good for you to plan with us, please let us know.
Love you all!
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Sunday, February 10, 2008
More House Pictures
And now...what you've all...and by "you've all" I mean, you Kathryn... :) have been waiting for...
More Pictures!!!! Yay!!!

This is the front of the house...obviously.
And here is a picture of the back if the house.

And this is our huge backyard.

Here is our living room.

And the kitchen...

Our Dining Room and/or Study Area...

With a cute little breakfast bar attached to the kitchen...

The Hallway!!!

The Kid's and/or Guest Bathroom

Bella's Room...as if you couldn't tell by the color.

Jack's Room, complete with as of yet unassembled big boy Race Car BED!!

Our Room

And our master bathroom!

Hope you've enjoyed the tour. We would love for you to take a live tour. Come visit when you can!
More Pictures!!!! Yay!!!
This is the front of the house...obviously.
And here is a picture of the back if the house.
And this is our huge backyard.
Here is our living room.
And the kitchen...
Our Dining Room and/or Study Area...
With a cute little breakfast bar attached to the kitchen...
The Hallway!!!
The Kid's and/or Guest Bathroom
Bella's Room...as if you couldn't tell by the color.
Jack's Room, complete with as of yet unassembled big boy Race Car BED!!
Our Room
And our master bathroom!
Hope you've enjoyed the tour. We would love for you to take a live tour. Come visit when you can!
Thursday, February 07, 2008
Oh boy, Here we go!
We have a move date. We will be moving into our new home on Feb. 16th. Yeah! I am getting pretty excited. We have been able to take boxes and other things over there already, but the 16th will be for all our big stuff. I really want to make our new house a home. The Lord is always so good and He has been showing me some stuff about myself and in my life that needs to change. Changing these things will help to make our home a place where the Lord is the boss and then on down. I haven't always been the best wife at not complain about decisions that my sweet husband has made. He is so kind and when making a big decision considers my thoughts and opinions. In that though I sometimes tell him what I think we should do and then, if we don't do it my way, I pout or whatever. Thankfully after reading Heather's blog on submission and with a book that I have been reading, and with verses that have been coming up, the Lord has gotten my attention. When I pout or get all huffy because my husband didn't do things or pick out the things for our home that I would have, that doesn't really help to give him the confidence he needs to lead our home. We have been having to get some things for our new home, like a mattress for Jack's new race car bed, a new fridge, possible newer windows for some of the rooms. Anyway, Josh has been taking such initiative on getting stuff done and picking stuff out. I like to pick things out, I like them to be the things that I have seen and said yes, this is what I want. But, the Lord has been working on my heart and telling me that it's not about me and what I want. I need to be thankful that I have a husband who is stepping out there and making decisions, getting stuff done so we can move in and enjoy our new home. It is awesome to see my husband getting stuff done. He went and ordered the fridge, got the mattresses ordered and is working on the window situation. Why have I wanted to take such control? Why have I wanted it to be my way or no way? I don't know, sin. I want to be the kind of wife whose husband can wake up confident knowing that his wife will stand beside his desicions, big and small. My husband is amazingly caring and loving, and a wonderful daddy to our children. He really tries to be the kind of husband and father that the Lord wants him to be. He is so good to me, may I always be thankful. I want to be the kind of wife and mommy that the Lord wants me to be. Lord, please continue to change and mold my heart to be like Jesus. It's scary to ask, but I know that following Jesus is better than any temporary reward from this earth. Please help me to consider others better than myself, even in traffic and the grocery store.
Okay, that took a little turn. Back to moving. We should have some more pics of the new house up soon. It's a cozy older home in a tiny little town. We have already met our neighbors to our left. People our there are really friendly. Bella and Jack are SOOO excited to get our dog Ace back. He has been living at my sisters house. We aren't aloud to have fences where we are now, and that was hard for him and us. Anyway, we will also get to put our trampoline up outside. I am very excited about that! We can't have those up here where we are now. But we can at our new home.
Well, time to get kids to bed. Hopefully we will get pics up soon.
Okay, that took a little turn. Back to moving. We should have some more pics of the new house up soon. It's a cozy older home in a tiny little town. We have already met our neighbors to our left. People our there are really friendly. Bella and Jack are SOOO excited to get our dog Ace back. He has been living at my sisters house. We aren't aloud to have fences where we are now, and that was hard for him and us. Anyway, we will also get to put our trampoline up outside. I am very excited about that! We can't have those up here where we are now. But we can at our new home.
Well, time to get kids to bed. Hopefully we will get pics up soon.
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